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Landscape graphics extracted from photographs -- underscoring ecosystem function and form.
Landscape graphics extracted from photographs -- underscoring ecosystem function and form.
Landscape graphics extracted from photographs -- underscoring ecosystem function and form.
Phantom faces in the wilderness -- sentinels of deep communities, natural godfathers, reward for awareness, or monumental coincidence? (first collection)
Phantom faces in the wilderness -- sentinels of deep communities, natural godfathers, reward for awareness, or amonumental coincidence? (second collection)
Phantom faces in the wilderness -- sentinels of deep communities, natural godfathers, reward for awareness, or monumental coincidence? (third collection)
Water wildvisions adrift from solid ground, flowing color, ethereal form.
Images from France and Spain
Images from Myanmar, Nepal, and Bangkok.
Pre-hispanic architecture and sculpture, and hispanic folk art reinterpreted.
A graphic display of Yosemite's grand vistas and forests.